Dynamische Links

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You don't need to specify links to video or audio in the player's connection code or playlist, but pass them to the player each time before starting a new file. To do this, just specify the name of the JS function or variable with js: at the beginning instead of the reference.

var player = new Playerjs({id:"player", file:"js:GetFile()"});

In this example, the player will request your JS GetFile function, which will return a link to the file to play.

If you plan to use AJAX inside this function, please use the synchronous request.

function GetFile(id){
   let url;
   let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
   xhr.open('GET', 'script.php?id='+id, false);
   xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
      url = xhr.responseText;
   return url;

Similarly you can use this method in playlists:

var player = new Playerjs({id:"player",file:[{"title":"1","file":"js:GetFile(1)"},{"title":"2","file":"js:GetFile(2)"}]});

You can also use this method of specifying the source for subtitles (since version 20).

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