Externe Elemente

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You can control the display of external elements that are outside the player, depending on the playback time. Just enable the Playback / Show outside elements option and describe in the connection with the outside parameter what and when to show.

var player = new Playerjs({id:"player", file:"media.mp4", outside:[{id:"button1", from:5, to:10},{id:"button2", from:15, to:20}]});

In this example, a button with the id button1 will be shown from 5 to 10 seconds, button2 from 15 to 20 seconds (external elements need to be hidden by default in CSS like display:none).

Inside this outside object you need to specify parameters id (element ID), from (start time of the display in seconds), to (end time of the display in seconds) can be specified. Optionally, you can add the exit:1 parameter and in this case the player will exit fullscreen mode to show the external element.

This functionality is available in PRO.

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