Fusionner des lecteur Désolé, cet article est disponible en anglais The combination of players allows you to store several configurations in one player. This is handy if you want to publish on one page several players with different designs or settings. How it worksFor example, you have created two different players (for audio and video) and want to place them on the same page. One of the players will be the primary, the second - an additional. In the settings of the main player you need to go into Then you need to specify the player number with the design parameter in the code to enable the corresponding design and settings. var player = new Playerjs({id:"player",file:"http://site.com/video.mp4",design:2}); In PRO you can combine in this way up to 10 different players simultaneously. How to switch between designs on the flyYou can also change the design of the player via JS API using the design command player.api("design",2); Copy designYou can also copy the design (just design) of one player to another using this page. |