Wiederholung von Segmenten

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Such a repeating segment of playback can be useful for training video.

To enable the interface for creating looped segment, you need to enable the option Segment interface in the timeline settings in the PRO version of the builder.

Please also create a separate custom button for enabling markers. You need to assign the api:cut command to this button.

You can view a template with such an interface.


You can also control the segment via the JS API with the cut command, if the player already knows the duration of the content.

player.api("cut",1); enables the segment from the current position + 30 seconds (this interval can be changed in the settings)

player.api("cut",0); disables the segment

player.api("cut"); enables / disables the segment

player.api("cut","10-20"); enables the segment from 10 to 20 seconds

player.api("cut?"); return an array with segment points

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