Step-by-step manual for integration with iframe

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  1. Create a folder on your site. For example, player
  2. //
  3. Create a player in the builder, download the file (playerjs.js) and save it to this folder. The player script will be opened by such link
  4. //
  5. Download an example, unpack the archive in this folder. The file test.html should open in the browser.
  6. Add iframe code to the HTML on your website
    <iframe src="//" type="text/html" width="width" height="height" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
    URL - This is a link to a media file (video or audio). Width and height - player sizes in pixels or percent. For example
    <iframe src="//" type="text/html" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
    You can add other parameters to the code. You can add a poster &poster = link-to-picture or the inscription &title = text. If you don’t know how to insert an iframe code on your website - try to google "How to insert an iframe on Wordpress" (instead of Wordpress, write your own website engine).

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