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HTTP Live Streaming is a protocol for streaming media, the easiest and most common way to organize broadcasts now.

The essence of HLS is in splitting the whole stream into small fragments (chunks), sequentially downloaded via HTTP. The flow is continuous and theoretically can be infinite. At the beginning of the session the player download a manifest (m3u8) with nested streams (with a different quality or audio track).

PlayerJS uses the latest version of the hls.js library to manage HLS, but in the settings you can choose a specific releaseHLS support is enabled by default.

The PRO version of the builder has advanced HLS settings.

How the player detects an HLS link

The player defines HLS links by the .m3u8 extension. You don't need to use it if you add the hls:1 parameter in the player code (since version 11.6). Please don't use the txt extension ‒ it is reserved for playlists.

var player = new Playerjs({id:"player", file:"//site.com/stream", hls:1});

Special events for JS API

You can get some HLS data through the JS API. For example, you can subscribe to fragment metadata with the fragdata event through a listener (works with version 9 of the player).

document.getElementById("player").addEventListener("fragdata", onFragmentData);

var player = new Playerjs({id:"player", file:"//site.com/stream.m3u8"});

function onFragmentData(event){

In the JS API there is also a fragment event for getting links of reproduced fragments.

DVR technology may also be relevant for HLS.

AES Encryption

The stream can be protected by AES encryption, the player does not need to be further configured. Decryption is performed using server key files and the initialization vector (IV) specified in the manifest.


You can set up DRM protection for Widevine, PlayReady, FirePlay or Clearkey licenses / certificates in the settings Plugins / HLS / DRM Protection

Forcing rewind

The PRO option Force rewind by reducing the quality allows you to speed up the start of the video after rewinding by reducing the bitrate. After the video starts, the quality returns to its previous state. This only works in adaptive Auto mode. If the user selected a certain quality option, the degradation will not work.

How to pass cookies

Please enable this option for sending cookies

Plugins / HLS / Send cookies

The server must include an Access-Control-Allow-Credentials response in the header:

Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true

Program time

You can show the program date and time from the HLS option ext-x-program-date-time (relevant for online cameras).

  1. Please enable the option Plugins / HLS / Show program date and time
  2. Create a text element at some place in the player
  3. Set the Action / Command field of this element to hls:program-date-time

Now the player will display the date and time of the current stream in this element.

hls.js options

You can pass any hls.js parameters using the hlsconfig object

var player = new Playerjs({id:"player", file:"//site.com/stream.m3u8", hlsconfig:{maxBufferLength:30, maxLoadingDelay:4}});

Custom hls.js

You can use your hls.js distribution, for example to implement P2P. Simply disable the HLS plugin in the builder and connect it separately with script tag on the page before connecting the player.

<script type="text/javascript" src="//site.com/custom.hls.js"></script>

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