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To play a Vimeo video you need to enable the hosting support option in the builder Plugins / Vimeo
Use a Vimeo URL to your video as a source link in player initiation:
var player = new Playerjs({id:"player", file:""});
In the same way you can use Vimeo videos in playlists and custom advertising, but you need to consider some of restrictions:
the Vimeo player that is loaded inside the PlayerJS can show Vimeo controls if the user who uploaded this video to Vimeo does not currently have a paid PRO or PLUS account. This information is near each nickname
The video starts muted if preload is disabled or autostart is turned on. Preload can be enabled in the builder Settings / Playback. Also the sound is muted in a mixed playlist (except Vimeo there are mp4, HLS or Youtube) and after preroll (better use pause/mid/post rolls).
Some videos can not be embedded on other pages if the author disallowed it.
Due to limitations of the Vimeo API the playback speed and quality switching does not work. These options are disabled from the settings menu.