You can set the volume level in
Sound / Volume settings.

The volume change is automatically stored in the browser, so the value is saved the next visit. You can turn off volume storage in Settings / Memorizing. Separately you can turn off the mute storage.
Volume on mobile
On iOS and Android by default the volume is adjusted on the device itself, so the volume control bar is automatically turned off. You change it on Android in the settings Mobile / Show volume control on Android
How to show the volume level during a scroll
Scrolling on hovering over sound button and on fullscreen changes the volume. You can add your own element, which will show the volume level during scrolling.

You need to add your custom element with the following settings
- Set
Action / Command to volume scroll
- Leave the
Text field blank
- Set up the position, colors and sizes at your discretion
Amplifying the sound volume
With PRO you can amplify the volume when the necessary conditions are met:
- Video or audio content is loaded with cross-domain policy (CORS).
- Player launch initiated by user.
In the Sound / Volume / Gain settings you can set the required ratio

Audio gain management requires
cross-domain permission if content is loaded from another domain. Files may require server configuration — the header should contain
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * and the
Services / Cross-domain (CORS) option is enabled in the settings. If the video plays muted, then something is wrong with the cross-domain policy (look in the browser console). For HLS and DASH streams everything is usually already set up and no manipulations are needed.