海报 抱歉,此页面正在等待翻译成土耳其语 Please specify the URL to the picture with the parameter poster in the code to set the image as a preview poster before the start of playback. var player = new Playerjs({id:"player", file:"//site.com/video.mp4", poster:"//site.com/image.jpg"}); You can specify several links via or like poster:"link or link" You can also pass a few links via and to display a series of images poster:"link and link" You can specify a separate link to the poster for fullscreen mode with the posterfull option from version 19. Аlso you can use the mp4 files for the poster. It should be a short video that will loop to play. You can customize poster in the builder By default, the poster is stretched to the full size of the player. With PRO you can set a |