Vytvořte jedinečný HTML5 video/audio přehrávač pro svůj web nebo aplikaci. Získejte zdarma.
Tvůrce webových přehrávačů
Více než 500 nastavení ve vizuálním editoruPouze jeden soubor
Přehrávač je sestaven v jediném souboru .js z požadovaných modulůPodporuje vše, co potřebujete
HTML5, HLS, DASH, YouTube, Airplay, Chromecast, 360°, VAST atd.Volně dostupný a bezpečný
Přehrávač si můžete stáhnout a samostatně hostovat u sebeNástroj zdarma
Žádné cizí reklamy a logaVideo
This template has an option to open a local file

This template is designed to demonstrate a blurred background of the control panel and buttons

This template is designed to showcase the effect of Christmas snowfall

This template is designed to demonstrate a horizontal view of the settings menu

This template is designed to demonstrates background horizontal gradients

This template is designed to demonstrate the ability to select the direction of animation of elements

This template is designed to demonstrate a search in playlist, custom lists of settings and buffering label instead of an animated indicator

This template is designed to demonstrate a custom buffering icon

This template is designed to demonstrate color variables

This template is designed to demonstrate a video color options

This template is designed to demonstrate a player for vertical video

This template is designed to demonstrate a separate video color options

This template was created to demonstrate the creation of a playback segment

This template is designed to demonstrate text elements

Ableton style

This template is designed to demonstrate a linear speed controller

This template is designed to showcase a unified settings menu

This template is designed to showcase playlists in the form of drop-down lists

This template is designed to demonstrate the non-standard buffer icon. There are over 20 animation options to choose in PRO.

This template is designed to showcase the April Fools Day joke

This template is designed to demonstrate the formatting of playlists

This template is designed to demonstrate content markup

This template is designed to demonstrate a Chromecast button

Winamp style

Google 20th Anniversary

This template is designed to demonstrate the Picture-in-picture option

This template is designed to demonstrate memorization of time

This template is designed to demonstrate a custom button for switching settings

This template is designed to demonstrate of the drop-down list for settings


Minimum size, timeline and sound control appear after launch

This template is designed to demonstrate a second (parallel) audio stream

This template is designed to demonstrate the round progress bar

This template is designed to demonstrate text elements

Ableton style

Winamp style

Nejjednodušší způsob vytvořit HTML5 přehrávač pro svůj web. Nabízíme jeden z nejlepších nástrojů pro vytváření online přehrávačů videa / audio s bohatým rozhraním, vizuálním zerocode tvůrcem a bezplatnou základní podporou.© 2018–2025 PlayerJS