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The player can show recommendations at the end of playback. To use this option, enable the Recommendations plugin in the full PRO version of the builder.

The title can be displayed when you hover over the image. On click a link can open in the current or new tab.

To specify a list of recommendations to the player, use the JSON format similar to playlists. It must be passed to the player with the rec parameter

Inside the JSON code you can pass a link to the poster image, title and link.

var player = new Playerjs({

You can provide a link instead of a direct JSON code and the player will download it.


The number of displayed recommendation elements depends on the size of the player, but will not exceed 16

To prevent the recommendations from overshadowing other elements, you need to enable the Hide option at the end of playback in the settings (this is definitely worth doing for the central Start button if it is enabled in your player).

If you have a poster installed, it will not be displayed along with recommendations at the end of playback.

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