Google Analytics Lo sentimos, este artículo está disponible en inglés Place the standard analytics code on the player page as a You can select the necessary events for data collection in the plugin settings (by default, only the start of playback is enabled). With PRO you can also collect ad events (start, skip, and click on ads). Segmentation of eventsYou can segment all events by some attribute. By default, the player uses the content title, if it exists. You can also specify your own attribute with the label option. new Playerjs({id:"player", file:"video.mp4", label:"customer#123"}); You can specify other parameters with the galabels object from version 15.1 new Playerjs({id:"player", file:"video.mp4", galabels:{my_param1:"123", my_param2:"abc"}}); To make this work, you need to find the How to collect other eventsYou can use the JS API to collect other player events, there are many more. For example, you can send an event to GA that the user has played up to 100 seconds. let time100; function PlayerjsEvents(event,player,info){ if(x=="time"){ if(window.gtag && info>100 && !time100){ gtag("event", "playerjs_time", {"time":"100"}); time100 = true; } } if(x=="new"){ time100 = false; } } |