
Built-in audio tracks for MP4

The player now sees built-in audio tracks inside the mp4 container.

Lightweight integration

A new way of lightweight player integration with just a poster (a full player will be created only after click or tap). 

Video posters

You can also use short mp4 videos instead of pictures for posters in the new version.

HLS subtitle styles and DRM support

HLS subtitles are now played by the native player module, so all the design settings are working.

Also for HLS there was support for DRM and the ability to show program broadcast time for online cameras.

Mobile lock screen support

The player now displays the poster, title and playlist buttons in a native widget on the Android and iOS lock screen. 

Subtitle improvements

Now you can change default color options in the subtitle plugin settings. The subtitle: command has appeared in the JS API and you can change styles (size, color, etc) from outside. Also you can bring subtitles outside the player and show them separately if you need it. Loading optimized.

Horizontal menu

Settings menu can now be shown horizontally Elements / Settings window / Advanced settings

Playlist playback progress

Now you can get the playback progress of the entire playlist in percentage via the API.

New localizations

Added Greek, Indonesian and Chinese (thanks to native users of these languages for the translations).

A new way to mark up content

A new way to mark up content with a playlist.


There are horizontal gradient settings for rewind and volume lines, as well as menu and playlist backgrounds.

What else

  • Support for sdh-colored (colored) subtitles.
  • Additional setting of line spacing for labels.
  • New events for JS API (click, line, userpause, userplay), requests (ratio, native) and commands (subtitle:size, showplaylist, alert, menu etc).
  • Disabled rewind by keyboard number keys by default (can be enabled in the hotkey settings).
  • If the file can be downloaded and there is advertising in the player, then the player will show the pre-roll before downloading.
  • You can specify negative values for the end parameter if the content needs to be trimmed from the end.
  • Failover timeout for fallback links.
  • Added support for DVR on iPhones.
  • You can set a delay in seconds when switching to the next playlist file.
  • Splitting subtitles for translation worked for the item showing all subtitles at once.
  • The hls.js library on board the player has been updated to version 1.4.10
  • You can specify the color of the HD icon for the settings menu gear.
  • Improved support for the latest standards in the advertising plugin.
  • You can enable a pause from the first tap on the screen in the settings for mobile platforms (by default, the panel is displayed first if hidden, then pause with the second tap).
  • Now you can track all clicks on the player via JS API.
  • The video / audio tag replacement integration method now supports the title property. It is also possible to exclude tags with the noreplace parameter.
  • Updated the guide for integrating the player with Vue.js.

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